Everclear 190 Proof Alcohol is Used to Add That Missing Kick for the Juices and Soft Drinks!
Proof system is used to determine the percentage of alcohol in the alcoholic beverages and other beverages. This was first started in UK but now they follow ABV system or alcohol by volume method to determine the same. In US, the proof alcohol system is still followed to determine the alcohol presence or percentage in the beverages. This also decides the type, purity and efficiency of the alcohol. If you are looking for the pure grain alcohol, then you are at the right place. Extractohol has announced the 190 proof alcohol that is also a pure grain alcohol and also called as the food-grade alcohol. This type of alcohol cannot be consumed directly but it can be surely used to produce a wide range of essential oils, herbal oils, herbal extracts, tinctures, culinary extracts, etc. Everclear 190 proof is a kind of brand name that is assigned for a rectified spirit which is produced by Luxco and this is a US based company. This type of alcohol is produced while using the grain. Due to ...